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Top 10 artworks at NGV

I took myself on a visit to the National Gallery of Victoria with a purpose in my mind. I wanted to develop a deeper appreciation of visual art by taking the time to look at artworks in a reflective and observational way. During this visit, I endeavoured to take the position of observing through both the eyes of a learner and a teacher and ask myself "how can this be used as a teaching and learning tool?"

The NGV is a great resource for education and as well as programs and workshops for students just a visit can be a rich learning experience for exploring and discovering art. A visit to the NGV can consolidate the learning that is being done in the classroom, be a stimulus for learning or be a way of connecting art in many areas accross the curriculum. An example could be exploring faces and masks in teh avisual art program, followed by a visit to the gallery to discover paintings and masks from around the world. Curiosity and knowledge can be stimulated through real engagement and visual experience.

On my gallery visit website you will find my top 10 artworks within NGV. They have been chosen based on a compbination of their aesthetics, personal inspriation and a vision of incorporating them into learning activities with children. Each artwork is accompanied by an learning activity.

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