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A pivotal component of my philosophy and approach to education is that each child is a unique individual and therefore different learning styles need to be catered for. I understand that effective and powerful assessment and reporting approaches are an integral component of understanding the learning needs and progress of students. I use assessment as a an essential part of teaching to inform my understanding of where students are in their learning, where they need to go and how I am going to get them there. Planning classroom assessment based on puropose ensures that it will be coherent and effective. I use a wide variety of strategies and tools for classroom assessement which can be adapted to suit the needs of individual students. 


Assessment for Learning: occurs when teachers use inferences about students learning to inform their teaching. 

Strategies for formative assessment can include questioning, discussions, self and peer assessment, tuning in activities, constructing and giving feedback on learning intentions and success criteria

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Assessment Took Kit
Learning logs
Projects and investigations
Reflective journals
Self - Assessment
Peer - Assessment
Anecdotal records
Video / audio recordings
Quizzes / Tests

Assessment as Learning: occurs when students reflect on and monitor their progress to inform future learning goals. 

Assessment of Learning: occurs when teachers use evidence of student learning to make judgments on student achievement against goals and standards. 


In the evaluate phase of a unit on simple machines, students used all the knowledge and skills gained from the lessons to create their own simple machine. Project design and presentations were evidence of student learning. 

Reading records and conferencing to determine where studnets are in their learning according to benchmarks and standards. 

In a unit on 'what it means to be healthy' student made an Ebook that was uploaded and showed students understanding of content as well as development of ICT skills. 

Creative and engaging tasks can be productive and show students learning in a range of domains. 

Reflective assessment activities can be used to help students reflect on their own learning. Rubrics, checklists, KWL charts, self and peer assessments.

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